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Engaging with Communities

Residential Streets & Housing Areas

Clonmel Tidy Towns and The Residents Association of the Springfields Community joined forces to keep the neighbourhood tidy and promote biodiversity.

Engaging with Communities
Some goals achieved from our 5 Year Plan
Encourage residential areas to be responsible for keeping their own estates/street/road litter free
Clean housing estate name signs and refresh text if necessary
Encourage residents along main roads to paint boundary walls


Clonmel Tidy Towns has been cutting down dead trees. Replaced with new trees. Residents association on board. Regular little picks. In autumn leaf litter was used on little green space to increase biodiversity. Wood pile/ compost heap made for wildlife. At least one resident hedgehog!

Bianconi Drive

Some of our members live on Bianconi Drive. Over the past year and a half they have worked with their neighbours to reclaim waste ground along the railway fence. The fence runs all the way along the edge of the estate and the area had been very neglected over the years and had become a rubbish black spot. Together, our Clonmel Tidy Towns members and their neighbours have turned it into a haven of biodiversity. We were happy to support this project with conservation signage, seeds, bulbs and plants.

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