Projects >

Going Paperless

Sustainability - Doing More With Less

This year Clonmel Tidy Towns went paperless. All communication is done online including registration of new members.

Going Paperless
Some goals achieved from our 5 Year Plan
Use CTT Facebook page to promote category 'Tip of the Week', etc. sharing current campaigns
Seasonal window display initiative - showcase reuse and upcycle projects
Setup sub-committee/project group to focus only on this category


Upon receiving their email address our volunteer policy, constitution and permission form for photographs are sent to them. The acceptance form is sent back to us electronically.
Attending meetings our members ensure they use tablets or phones. Meetings, updates and Tidy Towns Newsletters are sent electronically to members.

Link to the online volunteer policy >

Link to the online volunteer form >

One of our online forms is a Questionnaire on Sustainability which we sent to all primary, secondary and their level education centres. Once we have sufficient responses we shall correlate the data and use the results to plan our work on sustainability with local schools. 

Link to online Sustainability Questionnaire >

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