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Quaker Cemetery

Nature And Biodiversity In Your Locality

After the success of our work on St Stephens Cemetery this year we took responsibility for the Quaker cemetery on O Neill St.

Quaker Cemetery
Some goals achieved from our 5 Year Plan
Discourage use of chemicals wherever possible
Conduct Habitat Survey at St Stephen's BG with a view to creating/managing biodiverse habitats

This space has become a haven for biodiversity as it has remained undisturbed for many years. In 2018 part of the boundary wall fell down but with this now repaired we have begun care of this wonderful space. A member of our team contacted the Quaker community in Waterford who own the property and requested permission for us to take responsibility for this site. We will do little to the site this year other than record its biodiversity and maintain access. We have also applied for funding from the Heritage Council to record digitally the graves in the cemetery.

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