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Nature And Biodiversity In Your Locality

Swift Survey to manage and conserve nesting swift colonies across the county as an important feature of urban heritage.

Some goals achieved from our 5 Year Plan
Discourage use of chemicals wherever possible
Conduct Habitat Survey at St Stephen's BG with a view to creating/managing biodiverse habitats

We recently came across a 2018 Tipperary Swift Survey whose aim was to manage and conserve nesting swift colonies across the county as an important feature of urban heritage. Undertaken by Bird Watch Ireland, the survey found that of the 86 towns and villages surveyed, 24 had nesting sites confirmed. Clonmel has the largest number of nesting sites in the county with a 21% share of nests. 12 Tidy Towns groups took part in the survey.

Work has recently taken place on the roof of the Clonmel Community Care Centre. This building has the largest swift population in Clonmel with 40 confirmed nests. Great care has been taken to reinstall swift boxes before the 2024 nesting season. While assessing the potential of Kickham Barracks for swift nest boxes, we noticed the erection of slate catchers on some of the buildings which could inhibit nesting. We raised this with the Council and will monitor the site throughout the season.
Volunteers familiarising themselves with Swift nesting locations, April 2024.

We decided to follow through on the recommendations on the survey. Then, we thought it would be interesting to reach out to the other 23 towns and villages listed in the survey and see if they would like to collaborate on promoting the survey and its outcomes. We have contacted all groups listed in the survey and have received positive responses from a number of them. We have also reached out to some villages with no records in the report, such as Kilsheelan and Marlfield, to see if things have changed. We intend to continue reaching out to all groups with a project going forward over the next four years, culminating with a follow up survey in 2028. Cahir Tidy Towns have already started work with a planned Swift Walk at the end of May which we will attend.

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